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New tax lawyer strenghtens our firm's tax law group

Having completed his bar exam, Ádám Fischer joined the firm as a tax associate at the end of July.

Ádám has already spent nine months in the tax group of our firm as a trainee lawyer, before joining a US-based, reputable international law firm, where he gained further experience in tax matters.

Pál Jalsovszky, managing  partner of the firm added the following comments to the arrival of the new colleague: "Ádám's arrival pinpoints the new trends within our tax related mandates. While earlier the majority of our advisory was linked to tax structuring, there has recently been a significant increase in the need for representing clients in tax litigation. This is partly due to the fact that our clients became more conscious about their tax disputes and they are ready to challenge the decision of the tax authority that they consider unjustified. In addition to having outstanding professional skills Ádám is one of the most committed members of the young financial lawyer generation and his expertise will perfectly supplement our current capacities."