Our practice » covers the entire spectrum of M&A transactions: we provide advisory services in capital injection, company acquisitions and exits. In M&A transactions we advise clients during the legal due diligence of the target company, the drafting and negotiation of the sale and purchase agreements and any additional documents such as shareholders’ agreements, option contracts or executive employment agreements. We are aware of the business needs of venture capital and private equity investors and we are familiar with creating the legal framework for pre-emption rights, right of first exit, drag-along or tag-along rights.
Earn-Out: Blessing or Curse?
Zsóka Erdősy | 10 December 2024
Including an earn-out provision in a corporate sale transaction can be an effective way to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of a company. However, it may also introduce significant tax challenges. As such, it’s important to approach the inclusion of such a provision with careful consideration.
FDI Approval: the rule that does not disappear, just keeps changing
Ágnes Bejó | 21 February 2024
Since COVID, we have been living with a rule that makes the acquisition of ownership by foreigners in certain Hungarian companies operating in strategic sectors subject to government approval. Although we can no longer speak of a state of emergency, the rule is expected to stay with us for long – albeit with several modifications along the way, as happened in January this year.